20 Lead Generators UNDER $20 That Really Work!
You don’t need to spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars a month on disloyal internet leads. You can use simple, inexpensive yet very effective techniques for obtaining buyers and sellers that are actually fun to do! This program teaches the secrets of how to use the most time- and cost-effective methods to reach your best clients without farming, cold calling, or door-knocking.
Black Belt Negotiating
We Americans tend to be rather poor negotiators compared to people in Mexico, China and the Middle East. We walk into stores and pay whatever is asked. In other countries they would never consider doing such a crazy thing! People from negotiating cultures never pay full price for anything. Learn the secrets of how to haggle efficiently and effectively to save yourself and your company tens of thousands of dollars.
Defending Your Commission
More than ever before, home sellers and buyers are questioning the value of real estate services and asking agents to reduce their commissions or give a rebate. With the ability to do much of the legwork online, real estate clients are demanding that Realtors® prove their worth. This program gives agents, brokers and lenders the tools to keep your commissions firm in the face of tremendous downward pressure when working with sellers or buyers. How much more would you make if you actually got paid what you’re worth???
How to List Buyers
If you read the news, it looks like changing laws will soon prohibit sellers from paying both sides of the commission. It appears that we're moving towards a world where home buyers are going to be hiring AND paying their own agents. The good news is that this will guarantee you a commission when a client purchases property and make them loyal just to you. Agents must know how to sell the value of their services to buyers, or they will lose clients to those who regularly practice Buyer-Brokerage. More buyers than ever before want an agent to solely represent them. Agents must become aware of this new way of doing business or they will lose clients to those who regularly practice Buyer-Brokerage.

Programs & Resources for Realtors
Michael has been a licensed agent and broker since 1977 and has spoken at fourteen National Association of Realtors conventions and is the author of nine books including: “Cross-Cultural Selling for Dummies” and “Black Belt Negotiating”. He has been coaching agents to success for over three decades.